New: Track your Friends' ALPHA HandheldsTrack other hunters while running your dogs. "Contact tracking" allows you to track other ALPHA handhelds just like you would track another dog. Each ALPHA handheld can track a total of up to 20 dogs / handhelds.
When using this option, your buddy's ALPHA unit shows up on your handheld screen just like one of your dogs (but with a different icon)
For example, say you and I are hunting together. I can put your ALPHA handheld into my system, and I'll be able to not only watch where you are, but I can also locate you the same way that you could a dog.
"BUDDY TRACKING is a useful feature if you hunt in deep cover, hunt where folks spread out a lot, or simply want to keep up with other folks coming and going."
BIRD HUNTERS -- When I was bird hunting with my dad, at some point later in the day he'd say, "OK, I've had enough. I'm going back to the truck." It would have been nice to know where he was. ALPHA can do this.
For hound guys, hog folks, or rabbit hunters, CONTACT TRACKING is a pretty big deal, because rabbit hunters have a tendency to spread each other out a little bit when they are running rabbits.
We pheasant hunters get into some really tall cover sometimes, and keeping up where everybody is can be difficult. Knowing where your friends are walking while hunting is just safe hunting.
The only downside to CONTACT TRACKING is that you have to keep the handheld on to be tracked, because it has to send out a ping which drains the battery. |