Why are You Grateful for Your Dog?
by Robin MacFarlane

Some of the reasons why I think we should remember to acknowledge our canine companions.November is the month we've appointed as a time to express gratitude and celebrate all that we are thankful for. When Thanksgiving is approaching I'm reminded that I'm thankful for my friends, my family, my health, and that I don't have to cook this year!
I'm also grateful for the dogs I currently have and those that have shared time with me through the years. I'd like to share some of the reasons why I think we should remember to acknowledge our canine companions this season.
Top 10 Reasons to be grateful for dogs
10. They may drag in some muddy footprints from time to time, but on a daily basis they keep the floor pretty spotless. They do a way better job getting that bit of bacon grease splatter off the floor than I every will!
9. They provide a strong sense of security. I'm confident they will hear any odd disturbances before I do. For that reason alone, they earn their keep.
8. They can keep a secret. They'll never disclose who really did it so you can always blame the dog, like my hubby does, because I'm a lady and it would NEVER be me. ;-)
7. Dogs, in general, are role models for loyalty. You can come home late, or not feel like leaving the couch for the weekend and they will hang in there with you, no complaints. They are happy just to be in your presence.
6. They know the value of soaking in a sunbeam. And we all need to be reminded of that from time to time.
5. For all of our working K9s around the world, thank you.
4. They are always ready and willing to do something. No waiting for them to be "in the mood to go out," and no time wasted getting ready.
3. They don't mind our singing. No matter how badly I massacre a version of "American Girl," they dance right along with me.
2. It may be despicable, but they do look funny when we put sunglasses on them, or an old hat, or a Halloween costume, and they tolerate the silliness with out much fuss. They always take one for the team to make us smile.
1. The best thing about dogs -- they exemplify gratitude. A pat on the head, a scratch off the belly, a scrap from the table, or just a kind word. It all makes their tail wag. Dogs are our perfect reminder for how to live in the moment.-- Robin

Robin MacFarlane is a professional dog trainer and owner of That’s My Dog in Dubuque, Iowa. Her best-selling dog training DVDs, JUST RIGHT and JUST RIGHT 2 have helped thousands of dog owners teach their dogs basic obedience and fix problem behaviors through a system of training that you can easily work into your daily routine.